Tai Chi Australia

Tai Chi is an Chinese martial arts, but had wings worldwide especially in Australia.

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi cures arthritis by a regular functioning of muscles and bones during practice.

Tai Chi for Stress Relief

Tai Chi brings freshness and relieves all stress of mind, soul and body.

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi can be learnt by attending regular classes by trained instructor and experienced professionals.

Tai Chi Online

Online video of Tai Chi and the availability of DVDs can also make a learning of Tai Chi.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Tai Chi For Arthritis

Do you have joint pains? Are you suffering from arthritis? If yes Tai chi for arthritis is the cure for you.  

Tai Chi is a fitness regimen that was developed in China to promote the flow of energy within body. Tai Chi enhances the strength of body and increases the motion and flexibility and also improves the balance of the body by enhancing the coordination of the body muscles. It is a method of cure and can be considered as a Tai Chi Chinese Medicine, arthritis is a disease that is caused due to accumulations of toxins in the body and this moving meditation maintains a circulation in the joint in body and protects you from arthritis, Tai Chi for arthritis is highly effective and beneficial.

Tai Chi is a form of moving meditation i.e. the left and right movements, which harmonize the opposite forces in the body to maintain synchronization  and control breathing, Tai chi Chinese medicine has beneficial effects as that in aerobic exercises, which reduces stress and gives a peaceful, harmonious and balanced life.
The treatments of Tai Chi give huge benefits to life and health with the improvement in the level of anxiety, tensions, stress, depressions, also enhances recovery after illnesses, injuries and surgeries.

Tai is a form of martial art, which has gain importance worldwide, there are regular running centers for Tai Chi and also you can get online aid for learning, the sessions of Tai Chi are also available in DVDs, we have experienced team of instructors for a correct learning.

Tai Chi can maintain a proportion in the time of sitting and the movements you perform throughout the day, maintain your health, save yourself from arthritis and other disease, move your body and balance it.

INVITATION – TCFA and CMASA Moon Festival Shows

Dear members:

Moon Festival is the night family gather together, it is a romantic night for lovers and a festival night for celebration. It is with great pleasure Tai chi family together celebrating the moon festival.
The moon festival show includes: dance, singing, tai chi show at Dooleys 7.30pm on the day of moon festival night Monday 8th September 2014, 24 Johne St. Lidcome, free entry
CMASA 2014 Moon Festival Gala Dinner 19:00 Saturday, 6 September 2014.
There will be plenty of dances, songs and Tai Chi show as well as lucky draw. Please bring your family and friends with you, and enjoy this special event together.
The annual Moon festival has been an important tradition of CMASA for all members, old and new to know, meet and interact. At the same time, there will be colleagues, fellow practitioners, industry suppliers
for all to interchange information. On behalf of all CMASA Board of directors, we are looking forward to seeing you.
Fees: $60 per person (free for children not taking seat)
Booking by 3rd Sept 2014, contact sue on 0421282833, email to: sue@tcfa.com.au
Address八乐居, The Eight modern Chinese restaurant Level 3, Market City, 9, 13 Hay Street, Sydney NSW 2000
中秋是合家团圆的日子 是情侣相聚的夜晚。 秋高气爽賞月圓 江山萬里共嬋娟。誰知遊 子思鄉緒 月灑清輝照不眠, 东西南北中和谐健康快乐享天年。我们邀请您参加中秋节晚会 在太极大家庭一起共同庆祝这花好月圆的夜晚。
演出有欢歌舞蹈太极表演星期天 中秋节的晚上 730 at Dooleys Monday 8th
September 2014, 24 Johne St. Lidcome,吃月饼赏明月。免费入场
澳大利亚中医针灸协会的大型中秋晚会 2014  9  6 日晚 19:00晚会将有唱歌,舞蹈、 太极表演,抽奖大联欢盛况空前让我们共同祝愿家人、朋友幸福、健康、平安阖家团圆
一年一度的中秋团聚是澳大利亚中医学会的传统团聚日每年的中秋我们的 新、老会员都盼着相知、相识、相交流的这一天同事同行各种中医中药供 应商家等都将聚集一堂各种行业信息也将在这一天交汇
澳大利亚中医学会本届理事会的所有理事也在此诚意邀请太极协会全体人员大家共度 2014 中秋共同支持澳大利亚中医学会让我们的会更加团结更加强大更加有活力真正成 为中医之家莅临晚宴者每位收费 $60(儿童不占座位可以免费)。请会员们携亲朋好友来参加 这每年一度的联欢盛会
报名请发手机短信至张速 0421282833  sent to: sue@tcfa.com.au
地址八乐居 THE EIGHT modern Chinese restaurant
Level 3, Market City, 9-13 Hay Street Sydney NSW 2000 Booking by 3rd Sept 2014

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tai Chi Qigong

Are you stressed?  Sitting too much in office?   Neck stiffness? Headache?  Sleeping matters? 

Why not Tai Chi Qigong 100% nature therapy?  Doctor treat diseases, we are treating future diseases.

Qigong can be described as a cultivation of vital energy in the body. It is a form of martial art and is derived from China, it can be considered as a moving meditation, it is not only martial art but can be medical and spiritual too, all these has a basic focus on the body postures, movements of the body, breathing ways, and the focus or concentration while you perform, the concept lies in the restoration of positive energy.

These arts has gain a crucial role not only in China but has expanded wings to other nations as well, Tai Chi Qigong is not bounded by the age factor, people from all age group can practice, also the physically challenged can make it a part of their life.

All the knowledge related to Tai Chi Qigong can be accumulated by our regular classes on our centers with trained professionals and a group of highly experienced professional, in case if you are not able to attend the regular class mode, can learn through online aids via online tutorials and DVDs that are available to make you understand the concept, basics and the benefits of practicing Tai Chi Qigong as a part of your life.

Practicing it may cure you from various health hazards, a few minutes of a day can maintain your health and can protect you from all sickness, the art aims to establish a connection in your body, mind and soul to make you learn more by increasing your concentration, which eliminate stress, insomnia and troubles out of your life which brings peace and stability in your life to give a balanced, happy, healthy and free ways of living.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Instructor Training Sydney

Tai Chi is an art that is originated from china and flourished globally to give a new dimension to the art and help society with the utilities of Tai Chi, it is an exercise, a form of mediation or Yoga or often recognized as martial art. The aim is fitness of body, mind and soul to improve your fitness and immune system and give you a stress free, peaceful, blissful and happy life.
TCFA, has gained a great value in Australia and has many centers in Australia for the training of Tai Chi for the fitness. Get Instructor Training Sydney, by the trained and instructors of Tai Chi, becoming a Tai Chi instructor is rewarding; it makes you teach lessons to others and in turn also helps you to improve your fitness by a regular practice of Tai Chi.

Instructor training Sydney can help you become a gym instructor or a TCFA licensee, also can work as a health consultants for yoga and Tai Chi exercises and can also become a member of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia. Becoming a professional instructor is a right industry for health enhancement and also as a profession to gain knowledge and a good career with harmony and a balanced lifestyle in living. If you already had a trainer experience and certification, you can learn the unlearnt part and can become a trainer for Tai Chi Qigong to gain and help others to achieve positive energy of body and mind.
Tai chi, Qigong , other form of martial arts have become a part of common people especially in the countries like Australia and the city of Sydney. Such arts have gained a lot of important even away from the place of their origin which gives ample opportunities for career too.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Tai Chi Australia

Tai Chi is Taijiquan in Chinese, it can be considered as a form of martial art or the moving meditation for health benefits. It is an easy way to make you stress free and relieved from the disorders of body, mind and soul. Tai chi originally is an art of china but because of abundant advantages it has flourished worldwide, there are a number of classes throughout Victoria and Tasmania for students of all ages and from all groups of society. We have classes in Melbourne and setting up with new Tai Chi academies in south of Australia. Tai Chi Australia has regular public classes following various styles, forms and sets for a better understanding and practice.

TaiChi Australia is an evolution of this art in Australia curing hundreds of people from various disorders of heart, breathing, arthritis, neural problems and stress, frustrations, depression and psychological troubles. It improves the metabolism of the body by reducing stress, insomnia and enhancing the immunity system. Tai Chi helps to build an internal strength to give complete relaxation and a balanced body and mind. Tai Chi develops a flow of positive energy in body and mind and increases the concentration helping to lead a quality life with peace and harmony with no diseases and sickness.

TaiChi Australia with various centers has won many awards for their contribution to the society, online sessions are also available which are easy to understand or buy the DVDs easily available in Australia for the Tai chi Classes, the instructor and trainers in Australia are highly trained and experienced. Tai Chi is easy to learn and should be practiced by people of all age, either by regular session by instructor or through online session, feel the difference in life and your routine of the day once Tai Chi becomes a part of it.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Tai Chi Chinese Medicine

Tai chi was developed in ancient China. Initially it was started as a martial art and a means of self-defense. Also it is a kind of mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine for all age groups. Tai chi is sometimes referred to as “natural moving meditation” as practitioners move their bodies slowly and gently while breathing deeply, which enhance emotional well being and physical health of individuals. The term Tai Chi is also termed as “supreme ultimate fist of health” and “internal martial art”.

The best thing about Tai Chi Chinese Medicine is that people can practice it either by themselves or in groups. Most commonly it is practiced in nearby parks in the early morning before going to work. Individuals who practice tai chi must concentrate and breathe in a deep, relaxed and focused manner putting aside all distracting thoughts. Tai Chi Chinese medicine constitutes of different styles, all of which involve relaxed, slow and grace movements, each flowing into the next.

Tai Chi is considered as a fitness regima which was developed mainly to promote the flow of chi(qi), or energy within the body. There are three words which altogether makes the term Tai Chi meaningful, and these are meditation, movement and deep breathing. A regular practice of Tai Chi for about 15-20 minutes twice daily is recommended, since regular practice is essential for mastering the forms and achieving lasting results.

Health Benefits of Tai Chi Chinese medicine

Tai Chi Chinese medicine is beneficial in various health-related purposes. It is considered the best option to improve physical condition, coordination, flexibility, muscle strength and improve sleep. It provides relief from pain and stiffness, for example, from osteoarthritis and it improves balance and decrease the risk of falls in elderly people. It is the best remedy for overall wellness for the all age group of people. It is the best aerobic exercise, which children will surely enjoy.