Tai Chi Australia
Tai Chi is an Chinese martial arts, but had wings worldwide especially in Australia.
Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tai Chi cures arthritis by a regular functioning of muscles and bones during practice.
Tai Chi for Stress Relief
Tai Chi brings freshness and relieves all stress of mind, soul and body.
Tai Chi Classes
Tai Chi can be learnt by attending regular classes by trained instructor and experienced professionals.
Tai Chi Online
Online video of Tai Chi and the availability of DVDs can also make a learning of Tai Chi.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
Arthritis rehabilitation with Tai Chi and Qigong
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We are Tai Chi and Qigong professionals, Tai Chi and Qigong are part of Chinese Medicine and proven effective in treating neck problems including arthritis. Sue has been teaching Tai Chi and Qigong for over 15 years and has helped numerous students rehabilitate from arthritis, with specific Tai Chi movements and Qigong exercises that encourage the body’s healing capacity. When the student practices these movements a couple of times a day designed especially for arthritic areas, movement and flexibility return to areas that have been stiff and immobile for a long period of time.
The most common reasons causing neck
stiffness and arthritis are:
- Incorrect posture, a lifetime of spinal misalignment means
you need to change the body’s habitual holding and this can be achieved
with Tai Chi and Qigong. Tai Chi movements and Qigong exercises regulate
the body; slowly bring more circulation and Chi to blocked areas. In time,
with practice mobility is gained and rehabilitation is possible.
- Working in an office environment can certainly negatively
impact the neck, especially air conditioners or being positioned under an
air-conditioning vent.
In Chinese medicine, pain equals
blockage, when the circulation and meridians flow there is no pain. So how can
you remove a blockage and reduce pain? Positive movement, at first, slow
circular Tai Chi movements and then gently increasing the size of the circle followed
by the same pattern but in the opposite direction ensures optimum blood flow,
nourishing each joint. As you move your body, you understand further what you
need and this type of practice is called self healing Chi massage.
All positive therapy contributes to
rehabilitation, yet it is impossible to go to the Acupuncturist & Doctor
countless times a day to receive treatment. And that is the empowering truth of
applying these Tai Chi movements and Qigong exercises during your day, every
day. You are moving positive Chi, you are administering and receiving self healing
Chi massage that leads to rehabilitation, flexibility and mobilisation of
joints. For more information http://tcfa.com.au/arthritis
Thursday, 21 May 2015
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Recently, one of my friends shared some very bad news with me;
she had been diagnosed with osteoporosis and was taking medication to treat her
osteoporosis. Unfortunately, she suffered from kidney failure due to the
This dreadful situation prompted me to share what I know and how we can treat osteoporosis in a natural way. Firstly, we need to gain a better understanding, what is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis commonly happens as part of the ageing process for men and women. The density of our bones is impacted by many factors and one of them is the decrease in hormones, for women it occurs at the cease of menstruation. Men also experience a decrease in their hormone levels although it occurs over a longer period of time and is a slower process.
This dreadful situation prompted me to share what I know and how we can treat osteoporosis in a natural way. Firstly, we need to gain a better understanding, what is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis commonly happens as part of the ageing process for men and women. The density of our bones is impacted by many factors and one of them is the decrease in hormones, for women it occurs at the cease of menstruation. Men also experience a decrease in their hormone levels although it occurs over a longer period of time and is a slower process.
Even though most people would love to stop the ageing
process completely, the honest truth is that we can’t, although we can slow it
down by establishing healthy practices that encourage our bodies, minds and
spirit to be the most vital at any age!
For example:
Optimum health
includes; good circulation -
balanced nutrition - bone cell in a good metabolic condition
A taxed health system suffers from; poor circulation - unbalanced nutrition - bone cell degeneration - Osteoporosis
Are you suffering from Osteoporosis?
Some factors to consider: Are you suffering from pain; in the back, bones, legs, muscles and knees?
A taxed health system suffers from; poor circulation - unbalanced nutrition - bone cell degeneration - Osteoporosis
Are you suffering from Osteoporosis?
Some factors to consider: Are you suffering from pain; in the back, bones, legs, muscles and knees?
Osteoporosis may develop further, decreasing the length of
the spine creating pressure on the heart and lung systems. Circulation is
compromised and shallow breathing may result as a consequence of managing pain.
There is the old adage, Use
it or lose it!
Circulation is key! So how can we cultivate better circulation? It can be as simple as, if you are feeling pain it is blockage, the blockage is causing the pain. If your circulation is running better, the pain will ease.
Circulation is key! So how can we cultivate better circulation? It can be as simple as, if you are feeling pain it is blockage, the blockage is causing the pain. If your circulation is running better, the pain will ease.
A recent scientific research study with 400 people proved that when the muscles are stronger, the bones are stronger. Less muscles, density of the bones is also lower. The muscles are around the bones, protecting bones, it makes sense that the bones will be stronger, like we build a building, we have structures and frames, like our body has bones. Bones and muscles also need support through what we eat, bones need sufficient nutrients and a balanced diet.
For science research: http://tcfa.com.au/health-qigong-science-research
Improvement of circulation is very important: muscles protect the bone, and then the bone is stronger. For people who already have an Osteoporosis diagnosis, the kidney may also be vulnerable due to the medication; the kidney system needs to work harder to filter the medication. Therefore, create a healthy lifestyle with specific exercises that will encourage breathing regulation, charge energy within, to be able to send to each cell of your muscles. We all know that through our breathing we receive oxygen, our body turns oxygen into energy - Chi, through deeper breathing, blood circulation increases and is sent to each and every cell of the muscle, therefore oxygen enriching exercises are much better.
Improve circulation with Qigong over June long weekend: http://tcfa.com.au/Health-Qigong-Two-Day-International-Workshop-Program
Improvement of your digestion - spleen and stomach system. Not only do we need to ensure we receive nutrient rich, balanced foods we also need a healthy digestion system to absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain our muscles and bones.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Begin today!
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practice of Tai Chi is actually practicing soft qi gong (energy work). Soft
is for life, hard is for death. The practice of Tai Chi is body
profile training, it makes a woman’s disposition calm and beautiful, it makes
men spunky and full of energy.
Qigong training, will lead you into meditation, guiding Chi - following like the best music in the whole world, rhythms with regulation of breathing, simply allowing the chi to flow, following your body meridians like water, running though the whole body. Like a wave in the sea, combining with the breathe to massage all our internal organs, evenly, smoothly, continuously, purifying the blood, purifying our spirit. We can experience the highest enjoyment of living. Our body disappearing combining with the whole universe as one, we welcome the spring of life to come to our body and spirit.
Slow down your step! Millions change when they begin Tai Chi & Qigong, start your journey this week with Tai Chi Fitness Australia new term starts today.
Qigong training, will lead you into meditation, guiding Chi - following like the best music in the whole world, rhythms with regulation of breathing, simply allowing the chi to flow, following your body meridians like water, running though the whole body. Like a wave in the sea, combining with the breathe to massage all our internal organs, evenly, smoothly, continuously, purifying the blood, purifying our spirit. We can experience the highest enjoyment of living. Our body disappearing combining with the whole universe as one, we welcome the spring of life to come to our body and spirit.
Slow down your step! Millions change when they begin Tai Chi & Qigong, start your journey this week with Tai Chi Fitness Australia new term starts today.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Be a part of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day!
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25th April 2015
Local organisation Tai Chi Fitness Australia invites
you to celebrate Tai Chi & Qigong Day with a free Tai Chi class in the
Park. We will meet at 9.30am Saturday 25th April at 9 Wisteria Place,
Baulkham Hills. Join us to experience the relaxation benefits of Tai Chi, together
with hundreds of other cities, spanning 80 nations, we will breathe together,
provide a healing vision for our world.
Tai Chi is a fantastic form of
gentle exercise that works your entire body. You will increase your flexibility
and gain strength. International
research has proven that Tai Chi creates a physical sense of balance and
completeness; even after one class you will feel better. With regular practice
your metabolism will improve, your heart and lungs will function better, your
digestion and circulation will improve and your bones, muscles and joints will
Tai Chi Fitness Australia (TCFA)
was established in 2000 by Sue Chang. TCFA is leading the way in Tai Chi &
Qigong nationally and the TCFA training program is of a national and
international standard. In affiliation with China's Professors and Masters, our
program is accredited by national and international professional associations.
From 25 April to 2 May all TCFA day time classes free open to everyone.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Who is your true life time best friend?
Your success is living happy and healthy. Are you stressed? Listen to your true life time best friend—— "your own body" says.
shoulder and neck stiffness? emotional? cannot sleep? headaches? chronic fatigue?
Stress is killing us each day, take your body advice, addition on it avoid further sorry, without you, how can help more people?
shoulder and neck stiffness? emotional? cannot sleep? headaches? chronic fatigue?
Stress is killing us each day, take your body advice, addition on it avoid further sorry, without you, how can help more people?
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Rehabilitation stress workshops 12/04/2015 10-12 am
Date time: 12/04/2015
10-12 am (2 hours on Sunday)
Enrollment close: 05/04/2015
Location: DOOLEY‘S Health and Fitness Center, 24 John St, Lidcombe.
Stress is killing us every day. Why don’t relax two hours on
Are you suffering from:
shoulder stiffness
matters, insomnia
And so
Who should attend?
· Health
practitioner, Chinese medicine herbalist doctors
· Tai
Chi or Qigong, Yoga instructors
· Fitness
instructor, personal trainer
· Physiotherapy,
masseur and those who work in health care industry
· Keep
yourself in a healthy life style and add 1 more service to your clients?
· Suffering
from stress in office work?
Symptoms: emotional, headache,
sleeping matter, neck stiffness, backache
Who is going to teach?
Sue Chang, Tai Chi Master
19th generation of Chen style, Health Qigong Natural therapist. More than 50
years experience of Tai chi and Qigong.
Fee structure
Please contact (02) 9686 2282 or send email to info@tcfa.com.au
to enroll.
Online enroll: http://tcfa.com.au/workshop-program-2015
Online enroll: http://tcfa.com.au/workshop-program-2015
Biggest Tai Chi Fitness Australia Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid
Beginners Tai Chi, Classic Chinese qigong, tai chi exercise training, Tai chi program
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Tai Chi fitness Australia offering you tai chi exercise training and Qigong training for all age group people with certification.
Tai Chi Fitness Australia Training program is of International Standard .TCFA is Affiliated with International Health Qigong we provide Chinese medicine for Arthritis, Back Pain, Cancer , depression, Headache , Stroke , kidney disease ,Diabetes etc.
We provide free trail classes for new Student.
Tai Chi Fitness Australia Starts Enrollments next week at all venues get $10.00 discount
1. New term start Sunday 29th 2014. Please remember to bring the right money and come a little bit earlier to complete your enrolment; you will pay $108.00 instead of $118.00. If you bring a friend to sign up, both you and your friend will receive a $10.00 discount, that is, $98.00 each.
2. Enrolment for new students is $10.00 and will receive a school calendar and student handbook. Students are highly recommended to read through the handbook in order to help them understand and achieve their goals easily and safely.
3. Everyone who enrolls in TCFA classes will receive a discount for all TCFA products.
4. If you need personal attention for rehabilitation, book for a private consultant. Sue will look after You .Booking is essential.
For further inquiries please call 0406 953 388, or email us at info@tcfa.com.au
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Professor Qin visit Sydney health Qigong workshop 6-7 June
Professor Qin Zilai from Wuhand University, visiting Sydney training our instructors on the 6-7 June 2015. Enrol Now!!
The program details: 6th June Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin (8 piece of silk) further training with both standing and sitting forms. 7th June Health Qigong 5 animals.
Who is going to teach?
Zilai Qin
Professor Qin is national and international lecturer from Wuhan University with over 30 years teaching experience.
She is in charge of science research of health Qigong for well being. She had been teaching in France, Greece, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Argentina and Colombia.
How to enroll? How about the enroll fee?
Call 9686 2282 or send email to info@tcfa.com.au
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
NSW Seniors Week (14-22 March 2015) free Tai Chi classes for Seniors
Opening free Tai Chi class at the following locations (Booking essential):
From 14 March to 22 March 2015(NSW Seniors Week)
From 14 March to 22 March 2015(NSW Seniors Week)
Experience: healing in a nature way:
· The ancient secret of changing your life
· Relief for back, shoulder & neck stiffness and pains
· Instant freedom from stress & depression, relax inside and out
· Charge energy, build up immune system
· Profile and posture correction
· Reduce insomnia and enjoy deep sleep
· Slow the aging process to gain longevity
· Free or reduce pain without medication
Booking please contact TCFA: 96862282

Sunday, 8 March 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
Tai Chi For Beginners Is Your Worst Enemy
Nothing is more delight in your life than your good health. Health is bliss and an asset for individuals. Nature holds the real remedy for every health issue and it ultimately rewards you with joy and happiness of life. Tai Chi for beginners is an ultimate therapy that is practiced in nature and with little effort of the individual. It is meant for all age groups and elderly people can seriously enjoy it In good health and cheerful life. Simple steps and easy to understand exercise will make you enjoy it the most.
Tai Chi can be experienced at home after learning it from a professional so that you can take maximum benefit from it for the longevity of your life. Trained professionals will help you to get the maximum benefit from Tai Chi yoga’s essence and its various health benefits can be experienced at every stage of your life. Getting healed in a natural way is the actual process of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is experienced at numerous corners of the world and it is not just limited to China only and since it is an art, it has reached to the world for their benefits.
Classical Chinese Qigong is a therapy that heals from the internal body and rejuvenates the soul with a slight effort of the person. There is science that exists behind every step of Classical Chinese Qigong. Their trainers have gained the knowledge or essence after years of hard work and practice. You can also learn it from watching the video of Qigong that are practiced by trained people serving humanity for their well heath. Various dedicated books are also there for learning its health benefits and targeting particular part of the body for proper cure of it. From an early age people can start practicing it.
Tai Chi can be experienced at home after learning it from a professional so that you can take maximum benefit from it for the longevity of your life. Trained professionals will help you to get the maximum benefit from Tai Chi yoga’s essence and its various health benefits can be experienced at every stage of your life. Getting healed in a natural way is the actual process of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is experienced at numerous corners of the world and it is not just limited to China only and since it is an art, it has reached to the world for their benefits.
Classical Chinese Qigong is a therapy that heals from the internal body and rejuvenates the soul with a slight effort of the person. There is science that exists behind every step of Classical Chinese Qigong. Their trainers have gained the knowledge or essence after years of hard work and practice. You can also learn it from watching the video of Qigong that are practiced by trained people serving humanity for their well heath. Various dedicated books are also there for learning its health benefits and targeting particular part of the body for proper cure of it. From an early age people can start practicing it.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
New term, New class. Free Tai Chi class in March.
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Learn how you can revitalize and rejuvenate, prevent and cure chronic disease through
life-enhancing benefits of Tai Chi to achieve – happy living!
Opening free Tai Chi class at the following locations:
Baulkham hills (Booking
essential): 7-8 am 9
Mar, 7-8 am 11 Mar, 7-8 am 12 Mar, 8-9 am 14 Mar.
Castle hills: Castle hill public school at 9-10 am 7 Mar.
Experience: healing
in a nature way:
ancient secret of changing your life
for back, shoulder & neck stiffness and pains
freedom from stress & depression, relax inside and out
energy, build up immune system
and posture correction
insomnia and enjoy deep sleep
the aging process to gain longevity
or reduce pain without medication
Details please contact Sue: 96862282 or look at the web page: www.tcfa.com.au
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Health is Wealth on a Budget: 6 Tips From The Great Depression
1. Improved respiratory
2. Flexibility of muscles
3. Improved metabolism of digestive system, cardiovascular system, lung system, hormone system, endocrine system and nervous system.
4. Combats stress & depression
5. Posture correction
6. Rehabilitation of back ache, strokes, insomnia.
7. Anti-aging beauty
Tai Chi For Beginners is the source of ultimate energy that channel through the body meridians and cures many diseases. Diseases are caused by obstructions in the path of energy. Regular practice of tai chi helps you maintain your optimum health and makes you feel good.
TCFA had established centers all over the world to help people fight diseases and attain their true self. They provide instructor training for interested persons and brings out the master in you..The motto of TCFA is to live not only for Longevity, but being Happy and Healthy.
Learn tai chi, practice regularly and see the difference all by yourself.
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