Qigong is the ultimate source of channeled energy which leads to spiritual, physical and mental well being. It is basically a series of movements under Daoism, which is traced back to thousands of years.
Classic Chinese qigong unblocks the obstructed path of energy into the acupuncture points thus stimulating the paths. The vital energy flowing through the acupuncture points channels the energy and cures many diseases. Because of its highest health benefits, it is practiced even today. The health benefits of
Qigong include
1. Improved respiratory.
2. Flexibility of muscles and building of muscular strength.
3. Improved metabolism of digestive system, cardiovascular system, lung system, hormone system, endocrine system and nervous system.
4. Stress & depression.
5. Posture correction.
6. Rehabilitation of back ache, strokes, insomnia.
7. Anti-aging beauty & keep fit.
8. Cures diabetes, menopause, aches & pains, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, sleep problems, immune system etc.
Qigong is a flexing body movement which renders up a team and highest level of relaxation of body with a regulation of movements connecting with nature which includes, focus of mind, and relaxation of the body with the natural regulation of frequency of natural breathing.
Qigong therapist brings in you a spiritual enlightenment and brings peace and serenity from within. It facilitates self healing and control of emotional stability all by yourself. Health maintenance and improvisation is possible through Qigong. You gain your true self and attain a paramount level of relaxation, confidence and a positive energy from within.
International research proved the worth of this martial art and established fitness and wellness academy of Tai chi and Qigong known as TCFA (Tai chi Fitness Australia), CMASA (Chinese medicine and acupuncture society Australia) and china health Qigong. Many people had seen and felt the benefits of this martial art and have accustomed it for regular practice. Qigong creates in you a confident and a happier you which are the main criterion of happy living.