Friday 29 August 2014

INVITATION – TCFA and CMASA Moon Festival Shows

Dear members:

Moon Festival is the night family gather together, it is a romantic night for lovers and a festival night for celebration. It is with great pleasure Tai chi family together celebrating the moon festival.
The moon festival show includes: dance, singing, tai chi show at Dooleys 7.30pm on the day of moon festival night Monday 8th September 2014, 24 Johne St. Lidcome, free entry
CMASA 2014 Moon Festival Gala Dinner 19:00 Saturday, 6 September 2014.
There will be plenty of dances, songs and Tai Chi show as well as lucky draw. Please bring your family and friends with you, and enjoy this special event together.
The annual Moon festival has been an important tradition of CMASA for all members, old and new to know, meet and interact. At the same time, there will be colleagues, fellow practitioners, industry suppliers
for all to interchange information. On behalf of all CMASA Board of directors, we are looking forward to seeing you.
Fees: $60 per person (free for children not taking seat)
Booking by 3rd Sept 2014, contact sue on 0421282833, email to:
Address八乐居, The Eight modern Chinese restaurant Level 3, Market City, 9, 13 Hay Street, Sydney NSW 2000
中秋是合家团圆的日子 是情侣相聚的夜晚。 秋高气爽賞月圓 江山萬里共嬋娟。誰知遊 子思鄉緒 月灑清輝照不眠, 东西南北中和谐健康快乐享天年。我们邀请您参加中秋节晚会 在太极大家庭一起共同庆祝这花好月圆的夜晚。
演出有欢歌舞蹈太极表演星期天 中秋节的晚上 730 at Dooleys Monday 8th
September 2014, 24 Johne St. Lidcome,吃月饼赏明月。免费入场
澳大利亚中医针灸协会的大型中秋晚会 2014  9  6 日晚 19:00晚会将有唱歌,舞蹈、 太极表演,抽奖大联欢盛况空前让我们共同祝愿家人、朋友幸福、健康、平安阖家团圆
一年一度的中秋团聚是澳大利亚中医学会的传统团聚日每年的中秋我们的 新、老会员都盼着相知、相识、相交流的这一天同事同行各种中医中药供 应商家等都将聚集一堂各种行业信息也将在这一天交汇
澳大利亚中医学会本届理事会的所有理事也在此诚意邀请太极协会全体人员大家共度 2014 中秋共同支持澳大利亚中医学会让我们的会更加团结更加强大更加有活力真正成 为中医之家莅临晚宴者每位收费 $60(儿童不占座位可以免费)。请会员们携亲朋好友来参加 这每年一度的联欢盛会
报名请发手机短信至张速 0421282833  sent to:
地址八乐居 THE EIGHT modern Chinese restaurant
Level 3, Market City, 9-13 Hay Street Sydney NSW 2000 Booking by 3rd Sept 2014


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